
Newcastle Transport Travel Experience Day

**This article is from 2019. Please check newcastletransport.info or contact us for the latest information**

Newcastle Transport Travel Experience Day is designed to help customers become more familiar with public transport.  You can practise getting on and off an accessible tram, bus and ferry and have a chat to our customer service officers who will be there to assist you. The event helps people of all abilities to feel more confident when using public transport. This includes people with a disability, parents with children and seniors.

Event date: 22/10/19

Start time: 10am & 12.30pm

To book into the 10am session, click here.

To book into the 12.30pm session, click here.

Meeting Point: Newcastle Interchange (Stewart Avenue, Newcastle West)               

Bookings essential: Register using the links above, via the Newcastle Transport Facebook or by calling 4974 1607 between 9am and 5pm.