Start of a new journey
**This article is from 2017. Please check newcastletransport.info or contact us for the latest information**
Saturday 1 July marked the start of a new journey for local public transport with Keolis Downer commencing as the operator of Newcastle Transport.
The first Newcastle Transport buses departed Hamilton and Belmont depots this morning, sporting the new colourful logo.
Chief Executive Officer of Keolis Downer Hunter, Campbell Mason, said while this is an exciting milestone, it is just the first step in the journey.
“We want to hear from locals as we work to overhaul the current network to provide the transport service improvements that locals want,” Mr Mason said.
“Buses and ferries will continue to operate on the existing timetable and network plan until the new network is rolled out in January 2018.
“Together with our dedicated workforce, we are excited to be working toward an enhanced service for residents and visitors alike.
Today also marked the start of the Voice of Newcastle engagement program.
Members of the community can have their say on the future of transport services in Newcastle and eastern Lake Macquarie through the digital tool Social Pinpoint on the new Newcastle Transport website, and at the Newcastle Transport Hub in the heart of the city.
“Now is your chance to get involved and have your say on the future of transport services,” Mr Mason said.
“We want to hear from existing customers as well as those who do not currently use public transport about how we can better meet their needs.”
“Everyone’s feedback is important to ensure we get the new network right.”
Keolis Downer’s focus from day one is on customers and improving customer service by listening to feedback to understand customer needs.
“By understanding what locals want we will be able to design a world-class network for Novocastrians,” Mr Mason said.
Newcastle Transport covers the Newcastle local government area, Newcastle harbour, and the eastern part of Lake Macquarie between Adamstown Heights and Swansea Heads. Find out more at newcastletransport.info