Service changes

Be Bus Aware - Bus Safety Tips

Information icon

Service changes


Students and parents can also use Trip Planner to plan their trip from home to school. Just follow these steps:

  • Enter your location in the ‘From’ field, such as your home address
  • Enter your destination in the ‘To’ field, such as your school name
  • Set the date and time you wish to travel, e.g. 8.00am
  • Select ‘School bus’ under the ‘Options’ tab to see school buses.
  • To narrow down your results to only school buses, untick the checkboxes for the other transport modes.
  • Look for the school bus icon in your trip plan results.

Useful links to plan your school trip 


Long term bus stop closures:
121 Lookout Rd, New Lambton Heights

Due to the extension of the Newcastle Inner City Bypass bus stop 121 Lookout Rd, New Lambton Heights (2305150) will be closed until early-mid 2025. Please use the bus stop on Lookout Rd, opposite Grandview Rd, approx 270m towards Charlestown Rd.

Queens Rd at Evescourt Rd
Due to building works, stop 230592 Queens Rd at Evescourt will be closed until further notice.
Please use stop 230591 Queens Rd at High St approx. 125m west fronting 65 Queens Road.