Newcastle Transport On Demand app now available
**This article is from 2018. Please check newcastletransport.info or contact us for the latest information**
Customers taking part in the first trial of ‘On Demand’ public transport in the Hunter can download an app connecting them with buses that will come right to the door in the Lake Macquarie area.
The Newcastle Transport On Demand app matches customers travelling in the same direction, creating an optimised, flexible route that responds to demand and does away with timetables.
The app was developed by New York-based tech company Via and is ready for download before On Demand starts on Sunday 14 January.
“In a first for the Hunter, customers will be able to download an app on their smart device to book a bus, track it in real time and even pre-pay with their credit card,” Keolis Downer General Manager Mark Dunlop said.
“This is exciting technology that may change the way we see bus services, providing customers with a more flexible and convenient transport solution to get them where they want to go.
“From Sunday customers will be able to instantly book a bus from a chosen pick up location to a destination within the On Demand area.
“Customers will also have the option of paying cash to the driver, booking by phone, or at the Newcastle Transport Hub.
“The On Demand trial will operate in addition to existing routes during daytime off-peak periods and on weekends in Dudley, Whitebridge, Mount Hutton, Windale, Tingira Heights, Eleebana, Warners Bay, Gateshead, and Charlestown areas.
“I encourage customers in Lake Macquarie to download the app today and give this personalised transport service a go.
“Following the results of the trial we will consider rolling out On Demand across a larger area to improve accessibility and choice for Newcastle Transport customers,” Mr Dunlop said.
Customers can find out more information about Newcastle Transport On Demand services at newcastletransport.info/on-demand or by calling 1300 590 506.