Meet the operator of Newcastle Transport
**This article is from 2017. Please check newcastletransport.info or contact us for the latest information**
Newcastle Transport is the new integrated transport provider for the people of Newcastle.
Keolis Downer has been awarded the contract to run Newcastle Transport over the next ten years and will be responsible for running buses, ferries and, from 2019, light rail.
The community is invited to meet the operator of Newcastle Transport at information sessions in Newcastle and Lake Macquarie next week.
The Chief Executive Officer of Keolis Downer Hunter, Campbell Mason said he encourages the local community to come along and find out more about Newcastle Transport.
“These sessions will provide an overview of Newcastle Transport, the benefits of integrated transport, proposed service improvements, as well as an opportunity to meet the operator, Keolis Downer,” Mr Mason said.
Importantly, the community will also have the opportunity to ask questions and find out how to have their say about the future of transport in Newcastle.
“We have been working with the Newcastle community for some time, and we will continue to do so as we design a network that locals want,” Mr Mason said.
“Newcastle Transport will guarantee better and more frequent transport options and deliver a solution tailored to what locals want.
Keolis Downer Hunter will commence as the operator of Newcastle Transport from 1 July and will be responsible for the planning and delivery of the integrated transport system for Newcastle with a new network to be rolled out in January 2018.
Newcastle Museum
6 Workshop Way, Newcastle
Wednesday 7 June 2017
6pm – 7pm
Charlestown Bowling Club
5 Lincoln Street, Charlestown
Thursday 8 June 2017
6pm – 7pm
RSVP at contact@newcastletransport.info