Bus network refinements underway
**This article is from 2018. Please check newcastletransport.info or contact us for the latest information**
Keolis Downer Hunter has announced refinements to the Newcastle bus network to address community feedback received since January.
General Manager Mark Dunlop said improvements, to be implemented on 29 July, will be made across the network after completing a process of scheduling, timetabling, and engagement with Newcastle Transport’s staff and stakeholders.
“As you’d expect following a complete timetable revamp, we’ve given the network time to settle and then used feedback from the community and Newcastle Transport staff to make refinements,” Mr Dunlop said.
“While the network is performing well overall, we know there are some connections that aren’t working.
“The refinements we’re implementing will address the bulk of customer feedback received on the new network since it was launched three months ago, with improved connections for Swansea, Mount Hutton, and east Lake Macquarie.
“Changes to the network need to be meticulously checked from a scheduling perspective, and Newcastle Transport will also continue engaging with its staff prior to the refinements going live.”
The network refinements include:
- Improving links for eastern Lake Macquarie, allowing a direct connection from Cardiff, and Macquarie Hills to Kotara.
- Providing direct services between eastern Lake Macquarie to Charlestown.
- Providing direct services between Swansea Heads, Charlestown and CBD.
- Providing better access to one of the region’s largest providers for people with a disability, House with No Steps at Lambton
- Exploring options for better connections between Cardiff South and Charlestown
Further information will be available from June and timetables will be available in July, allowing time for communication with customers, including school students prior to the start of the school term.
Keolis Downer Hunter will continue reviewing the network in line with customer feedback.